Mid-Season Mindfulness

Mindfulness is so important to mental health, productivity, and happiness. For anyone working that 9-5, building a business, or climbing that corporate ladder, it has never been more important to be aware of your own focus, peace, and patience. At this time of year when we have more free time it can be a perfect opportunity to put into practice some of our best intentions.

Becoming aware of where your thoughts are and how you respond to different situations is the first step to changing how you see yourself and to overcoming challenges. By recognizing how you think and react to stress, you can learn to look at challenging situations from a more positive perspective.

Break through the clutter of your minds and make the thoughts work for you, not against you.

And searching out these kinds of breakthroughs is not just for you – it’s for me as well. I have been looking for a tool to help me stay focused and mindful of me – my health and wellness, my growth, my goals. And I found that tool in the Life Wheel Assessment that I now use in several of my coaching packages. This assessment is a tool that helps you determine the priorities in your life that ultimately dictate your time management, productivity and focus, and even your capacity to relax.

So if you’ve been struggling with focus and fulfillment, allow me to help you get there!

Overcoming Overwhelmed

At Endeavour Coaching we focus on three types of people. The entrepreneur, the misaligned, and the overwhelmed. Endeavour is based in Durham, NC which is

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Feeling Overwhelmed

Being overwhelmed causes your core values to surface. Oftentimes, these moments of overwhelm cause you to choose between competing core values. Sometimes the values that

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Endeavour Professional Coaching

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