The Ah-ha of Clarity
It was a warm, beautiful, sunshiny day. I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of my favorite restaurant after a very positive job interview. And that’s when it happened. The ah-ha moment. One of those lightning bolt moments of clarity that you cannot mistake.
The question in my mind was, “Do I want to pursue this new job opportunity or pursue my dream?” The answer was clear and unmistakable. I didn’t have to think about it, I just knew. It was time to pursue my dream.
Only one small problem. How? I knew the end goal, but I had no idea how to get started or what the steps were.
I consulted with a long-time friend and mentor, who also happened to be a professional life coach, to help me clarify these next steps. As I shared with him my confusion, he didn’t give me advice, and didn’t share his opinion. He simply began asking me thought-provoking questions. He then invited me to go with him on a humanitarian trip to the Balkans. He continued to coach me during this time and by the end of the trip I knew I had only two directions to pursue. My coach had literally walked with me through the process, had helped me set goals, held me accountable to those goals, and cheered me on the whole way.
Through that partnership and a lot of thoughtful consideration, it became clear that one of those paths would not be possible for me. The second was the correct path for me. I had found my road less traveled.
This new path led me to begin coaching others as I had been coached. Some of my initial coaching was with entrepreneurs and centered around leadership development and leadership pipelines. My coaching then grew to include helping people to realign their lives around their values and to get the rest and refreshment they needed.
Have you had an ah-ha moment that is still waiting for your response? Have you been too intimidated or too fearful to pursue it? Do you worry how you will accomplish it? Endeavour Coaching exists to help you turn that ah-ha moment into reality.